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Vehicle&Safety Inspection

Mechanical Parking Station Test

Mechanical Parking Station (MPS) Test

To manage the safety of MPSs installed with the goal of efficiently utilizing insufficient urban parking spaces so that users can access them safely and conveniently, To secure the suitable performance of the existing MPSs by testing them thoroughly


  • A 1992 audit by the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) identified the issue of poorly installed operated MPSs that fail to consider performance and safety while focusing only on the legally allowed number of vehicles to be parked therein. This led to the introduction of MPS tests that check and certify the safety of such facilities as of September 5, 1993.
  • This system was later enhanced with the regular (biennial) test system, the usability test upon completing installation to ensure the safety of MPSs as of June 30, 1996, and the precision safety test for aging MPSs on March 21, 2018.
  • Later, it was required to designate the administrator with initial training (from July 27, 2016) and refresher training (from March 21, 2018) for MPSs with capacity exceeding 20 vehicles to prevent human-caused accidents. The accident investigation system was also introduced to identify the cause of incidents at MPSs and prevent the recurrence of similar accidents.


  • 1993.9.5. Introduction of safety acknowledgement system of MPS by a safety review (conducted safety test)
  • 1994.12 Introduction of verification tests (initial on-site test upon installation/production)
  • 1995.12.29. Introduction of operation test and regular test (implemented in June 30, 1996)
  • 2016.1.19. Establishment and operation of MPS information network system (implemented in July 19, 2018)
  • 2016.3.18. TS designated as the official tester of MPSs
  • 2016.7.27. Introduction of administrators for MPSs (implemented in November 1, 2016)
  • 2017.3.21. Introduction of precise safety test, Initial and refresher training system
  • 2017.10.24. Introduction of accident investigation system (implemented in October 25, 2018)
  • 2018.5.16. Introduction of precise safety test system
  • 2019.2.13. Introduction of refresher training system for administrators of MPSs
  • 2019.12.16. Establishment and operation of MPS information network system