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Overview | Int'l Cooperation | TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority

Int'l Cooperation


International Coperation

TS has established partnerships with overseas authorities through active international exchanges with the goal of becoming a "People-oriented global traffic safety specialist."


TS benchmarks exemplary cases of developed countries to enhance its professional capacity and shares experiences and skills with developing countries to contribute to global development.

TS will lead efforts for global traffic safety by constantly improving its international cooperation capacity with its knowledge, information, and human networks.

People-oriented global traffic safety specialist

Enhancing international competitiveness
  • Securing source technologies from exemplary cases
  • Establishing grounds for international activity
  • Global benchmarking
    • Research on advanced technologies
    • Research on exemplary traffic policy, law, and system for introduction
  • Pinpointing accident blind spots
    • Invitational seminar and training sessing
    • Sending specialists and sharing technologies and experiences